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ASUS P505 and GPSProxy: Failed to Load Virtual COM Port Driver

I tried to use my new ASUS P505 Pocket PC phone with my favorite GPS configuration:

GlobalSat BT-338 bluetooth GPS receiver +
Garmin Que software +
Andrew Klopper's GPSProxy software.

This configuration worked fine while I was using my HP iPAQ h4150 Pocket PC. Unfortunately, somehow the notorious "Failed to Load Virtual COM Port Driver" always occurred on my ASUS P505 whenever I started GPSProxy--both the latest version 2.2 and the older version 1.6--and the proxy engine just wouldn't start.

At first I noticed this problem occurred when I turn on ASUS Menu animated screen saver (via ASUS Menu -> Personalization -> Animated Home Screen -> Animation). Later, I noticed that the problem still occurred even after the turned Animation off.

After spending long hours identifying the source of the problem, here are the list of software that conflict with GPSProxy

1. ASUS Menu: To disable, go to Start Menu -> Settings -> ASUS Menu -> Uncheck the "Enable" checkbox.

2. Softick Card Export II: I coudn't find a way to disable and had to uninstall the software

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