I was using Red Hat Linux a lot back in the year 2000 and remember that if I want to switch the user interface at boot time from a GUI mode to a text mode I would edit the file /etc/inittab and change the default run-level from 5 down to 3, as documented here. I want to do the same thing in Ubuntu Linux 5.1 but it doesn't work. Spending some time googling, here is how to do it in Ubuntu:
In terminal, logged in as root:
To switch from GUI interface to text-based interface:
To switch back from text-based interface to GUI interface:
Reference: Arstechnica.com Forum
Keywords: ubuntu-linux, configuration
In terminal, logged in as root:
To switch from GUI interface to text-based interface:
update-rc.d -f gdm remove
To switch back from text-based interface to GUI interface:
update-rc.d -f gdm defaults
Reference: Arstechnica.com Forum
Keywords: ubuntu-linux, configuration