I have been having hard time modifying Blojsom's templates to get the Internal Aggregator plug-in to work. I wish there were a concrete example or a tutorial for me to follow. Today I googled again after a desperate fight with Blojsom and fortunately came across Todd Slater's posting . Mr. Slater posted his working copy of the template files. I downloaded, put it in to the template folder right away. And...it works! I'll be studying how he wrote the template very soon. But in the mean time, thank you very much Mr. Slater! Keywords: blojsom , aggregation , customization , examples Update: Jan 5, 07 Here's the difference between my asual-entry.vm and Mr. Slater's: Mine looks like this: #macro(multiBlogFriendlyPermalink $entry) macro definition at the top of the file. #macro(multiBlogFriendlyPermalink $entry) #set ($categoryForEntry = $entry.getBlogCategory().getCategory()) #if ($categoryForEntry == "/") #set($catego...
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