Tip: DSpace on Windows XP: A Batch File for Compilation (or Recompilation) of the MediaFilterManager Full-text Index
For DSpace Users in Windows Platform: If you haven't already known, here's a workaround I discovered today after spending 1-2 hours trying to enable the full-text indexing feature of the DSpace Digital Library software in Windows XP Professional SP2 on my laptop: In Unix or Linux the "filter-media" shell script in [DSpace]/bin needs to be manually scheduled ( cron ) for daily update of the full-text database. The Windows counterpart of the "filter-media" shell script is not provided in the DSpace distribution. With the environmental variable DSPACE_HOME set to C:\DSpace , a "filter-media.bat" batch file is written. "filter-media.bat" can be manually run periodically or scheduled to be run automatically by Windows (to further investigate how to schedule a task). Essentially, "filter-media.bat" is simply a batch file that executes the class MediaFilterManager in the package org.dspace.app.mediafilter -- by using the batch-fil...